Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Do's and Don'ts of Workplace Relationships

Building strong workplace relationships is hard work. Unfortunately, one wrong move can send your hard work back many months if not years.

Here are some tips to help start the process:
  • Learn what interests and hobbies they enjoy.
  • Find out the dynamics of their family (married? children? where they live? etc.
Learn to ask questions:
  • What are their goals in life?
  • What do they hope to be doing in 5 years?
  • What brings them the most enjoyment?
  • What are their strengths? Weaknesses?
This may take some time but every second is worth it. Once built, a strong relationship can withstand the storms of adversity. Don't think the storms are far away and won't effect you, or you might plan on riding the storm out hoping for minimal damage.

That is not how it works. More to follow!


Loren Paulsson said...

If you know when a "setback" has occurred and deal with it quickly, sometimes you can minimize the damage.

Sometimes you need someone else's perspective when dealing with a chronic conflict.

Steven Menzel said...

So right you are. Contrary to a popular saying, time does not heal all things. A matter of fact, time can seriously hurt "relationships" if it is time spent ignoring or avoiding the problem. Marriages are a prime example. If I go for a period of time not talking because of hurt feelings or I'm afraid to start a discussion for fear I don't have the solution, the relationship grows more strained with each passing day.
I agree, someone else's perspective helps to reveal your blind spots. We ALL have them!