Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Avoid Causing Anger in Others

10 Simple Steps
  1. Encourage Harmony - Discord among authorities, though often unseen, will be sensed by employees, creating tension. Maintain unity to prevent frustration caused by divided loyalties.
  2. Maintain One Standard - Have a clearly defined character-based standard for behavior and have an equally clear standard for correction.
  3. Discipline With Consistency - Don't allow personal preferences or emotions to influence correction. You need to focus on attitudes, not just actions.
  4. Admit Wrongdoing and Seek Forgiveness - It takes a strong person to admit weakness. Keep yourself accountable in order to stay focused.
  5. Encourage the Good - We all have a desire to feel needed and appreciated. Employees will react if you constantly criticize but never look for good.
  6. Accept Leadership Responsibilities - Realize that as a leader you will be watched. Demonstrate better character than you expect from others.
  7. Give Priority to Listening - Don't comment, censure, or correct when others are speaking to you. Be an encouraging listener.
  8. Keep Promises - Ask employees if you have ever broken a promise. It is better not to promise than to promise and fail to follow through.
  9. Respect Your Employees - Realize the value of each of your employees. Invest in them as people, not just representatives of the company.
  10. Have Realistic Expectations - Excellence is good; perfectionism is not. Never expect your employees to do anything that you have not already done or will not do with them.
Copyright 2008 - Used with permission! Character First! Basic Implementation Seminar - for more information visit Character First Training

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