In today's market place many managers could care less about evaluating their performance as a leader. There are also managers that would like to receive an honest evaluation, they are just not sure how to get an "accurate" picture.
The days of sitting with your people and asking them these types of questions are over. (here are just a few)
- are you fulfilled in what you do?
- am I helping you to reach your full potential?
- do you believe I care about you as a person?
- what can I do to your work environment better?
People are tired of being burned after sharing what was on their heart.
Character First! has developed a really neat anonymous way to accomplish what we once took for granted. Their survey is a simple and quick way to ask your people some tough questions.
I sure hope you will take time and try this out.
Why are the days of sitting down and asking those questions over?
Well, I could give you the easy answer and say, read the book "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" or I could briefly explain that the level of trust in most organizations is so low that sitting face-to-face and sharing what is really on your heart almost never happens. We should ask why organizations hire workplace chaplains to facilitate a safe atmosphere. Maybe I should not have said those days are over, a more appropriate statement would be "they are almost gone and we better do something about it."
Great question by the way!
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