The most effective support we can give others is the positive reinforcement of “good character.” You might want to think of character as right choices. What is good character? Good character is the inward motivation to do the right thing in every circumstance. For a more comprehensive look at what character is click on Character Defined.

Celebrating a successful marketing campaign because it brought in millions in revenue is ok, but it is an achievement based recognition. What if some team members lied or exaggerated some facts? What if they were rude to subcontractors while establishing contract guidelines? We just celebrated poor decisions. We must discern the underlying character qualities that people demonstrating during the process. Someone may have still lied, but at least their conscience has been pricked if truthfulness was pointed out.
Come back as the next post will be about the simple three step process to effective and lasting encouragement. If you master these steps you will revolutionize your workplace, community, and family.
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